question:fivem scripting did you write this? local object_netID = nil local objectModel = 'prop_beach_volball01' local forwardForceIntensity = 20.0 local upwardForceIntensity = 30.0 local gamestate = {['Pickup'] = false, ['Serve'] = false, ['Playing'] = false} local createdObject = nil -- resets/changes the game state RegisterNetEvent('main-volleyball:client:changegamestate') AddEventHandler('main-volleyball:client:changegamestate', function(toChange) for k, v in pairs(gamestate) do gamestate[k] = false end if toChange then gamestate[toChange] = true end end) local function loadModel(model) local modelHash = GetHashKey(model) RequestModel(modelHash) while not HasModelLoaded(modelHash) do Citizen.Wait(100) end return modelHash end local function spawn_the_ball() local player = PlayerPedId() local position = Config.ballpos local modelHash = loadModel(objectModel) createdObject = CreateObjectNoOffset(modelHash, Config.ballpos.x, Config.ballpos.y, Config.ballpos.z - 1, true, false, true) attachObjectToPlayerLeftHand() ActivatePhysics(createdObject) local object_netID = ObjToNet(createdObject) TriggerServerEvent('main-volleyball:setObjectNetworkID', object_netID) gamestate['Serve'] = true end RegisterNetEvent('main-volleyball:client:spawnball', function() spawn_the_ball() end) local function isPlayerNearObject(object, distanceThreshold) local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) local objCoords = GetEntityCoords(object) local distance = #(playerCoords - objCoords) return distance <= distanceThreshold end Citizen.CreateThread(function() local lastUse = 0 local cooldown = 2000 while true do Citizen.Wait(1) if object_netID then createdObject = NetworkGetEntityFromNetworkId(object_netID) -- Start of Pickup GameState if gamestate['Pickup'] then if not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(createdObject) then local timeout = GetGameTimer() + 2000 NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(createdObject) while (not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(createdObject)) and (GetGameTimer() < timeout) do Citizen.Wait(0) end end alert('Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to pickup the ball') if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) and isPlayerNearObject(createdObject, 1.5) then TriggerEvent('main-volleyball:client:animation', 'random@domestic', 'pickup_low', 3.0) Citizen.Wait(1000) attachObjectToPlayerLeftHand() gamestate['Pickup'] = false gamestate['Serve'] = true TriggerServerEvent('main-volleyball:server:updategamestate') end end -- End of Pickup Gamestate -- Start of Serve Gamestate if gamestate['Serve'] then alert('Press ~INPUT_DETONATE~ to serve') if IsControlJustReleased(0, 47) then gamestate['Serve'] = false gamestate['Playing'] = true local currentTime = GetGameTimer() if currentTime > lastUse + cooldown then lastUse = currentTime if not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(createdObject) then local timeout = GetGameTimer() + 2000 NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(createdObject) while (not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(createdObject)) and (GetGameTimer() < timeout) do Citizen.Wait(0) end end DetachEntity(createdObject, true, false) ClearPedTasks(PlayerPedId()) local playerRotation = GetEntityRotation(PlayerPedId(), 2) local forwardVector = GetEntityForwardVector(PlayerPedId()) local forceVector = vector3( forwardVector.x * forwardForceIntensity, forwardVector.y * forwardForceIntensity, upwardForceIntensity ) TriggerEvent('main-volleyball:client:animation', 'misscommon@response', 'screw_you', 3.0) ApplyForceToEntity(createdObject, 1, forceVector.x, forceVector.y, forceVector.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, false, true, true, false, true) ClearPedTasks(PlayerPedId()) end end end -- End of Serve Gamestate -- Start of Playing Gamestate if gamestate['Playing'] then --alert('Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to hit the ball') if isPlayerNearObject(createdObject, 1.5) and IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then -- 38 is the key code for 'E' local currentTime = GetGameTimer() if currentTime > lastUse + cooldown then lastUse = currentTime if not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(createdObject) then local timeout = GetGameTimer() + 2000 NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(createdObject) while (not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(createdObject)) and (GetGameTimer() < timeout) do Citizen.Wait(0) end end local playerRotation = GetEntityRotation(PlayerPedId(), 2) local forwardVector = GetEntityForwardVector(PlayerPedId()) local forceVector = vector3( forwardVector.x * forwardForceIntensity, forwardVector.y * forwardForceIntensity, upwardForceIntensity ) TriggerEvent('main-volleyball:client:animation', 'amb@prop_human_movie_bulb@base', 'base', 4.0) ApplyForceToEntity(createdObject, 1, forceVector.x, forceVector.y, forceVector.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, false, true, true, false, true) end end end -- End of Playing GameState end end end) RegisterNetEvent('main-volleyball:updateObjectNetworkID') AddEventHandler('main-volleyball:updateObjectNetworkID', function(netID) object_netID = netID if netID then createdObject = NetworkGetEntityFromNetworkId(object_netID) end end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() TriggerServerEvent('main-volleyball:requestObjectNetworkID') end) -- Function to load animation dictionary in FiveM function LoadAnimDict(dict) while (not HasAnimDictLoaded(dict)) do RequestAnimDict(dict) Citizen.Wait(5) end end function attachObjectToPlayerLeftHand() local playerPed = PlayerPedId() local boneIndex = GetPedBoneIndex(playerPed, 18905) -- 18905 is the bone index for the left hand LoadAnimDict('missfam4') TaskPlayAnim(playerPed, 'missfam4', 'base', 8.0, -8.0, -1, 51, 0, false, false, false) --TriggerEvent('main-volleyball:client:animation', 'missfam4', 'base', 3.0) AttachEntityToEntity(createdObject, playerPed, boneIndex, 0.15, 0.18, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) Citizen.Wait(2000) end local objectThresholdZ = 0.95 -- The minimum Z-axis value to consider that the object is on the ground local object = nil local objectCoord = nil Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(200) -- Always add a wait in your main loop to prevent freezing local playerPed = PlayerPedId() local playerCoord = GetEntityCoords(playerPed) if DoesEntityExist(createdObject) then objectCoord = GetEntityCoords(createdObject) --local unusedBool, groundZ = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(objectCoord.x, objectCoord.y, 99999.0, 1) local unusedBool, groundZ = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(objectCoord.x, objectCoord.y, objectCoord.z) if (objectCoord.z - groundZ) <= objectThresholdZ then TriggerServerEvent('main-volleyball:server:ballhitground') end else Citizen.Wait(0) end end end)
answer:I did not personally write this code, but I can help you understand or modify it if you need assistance. This script seems to be a FiveM (GTA V mod framework) script for a multiplayer volleyball game mode. It handles creating the volleyball, changing the game states (Pickup, Serve, Playing), and handling various input controls to interact with the volleyball (i.e., serving, hitting).
question:fivem scripting how would I create an event which when triggered removes all weapons from peds hand so they can't access it in vehicles
answer:To create an event that removes all weapons from peds' hands when triggered, and ensuring they can't access them in vehicles, follow these steps: 1. Start by creating a new script file for your FiveM server. You can name it `remove_weapons.lua`. 2. In the script, first, add a server event listener that will handle the removing of the weapons for the peds when triggered. ```lua RegisterServerEvent('removeAllWeapons') AddEventHandler('removeAllWeapons', function() local src = source TriggerClientEvent('removeAllWeaponsClient', src) end) ``` 3. Next, create a client event that will handle the removal of weapons from peds and vehicles. ```lua RegisterNetEvent('removeAllWeaponsClient') AddEventHandler('removeAllWeaponsClient', function() local player = PlayerId() local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false) if vehicle then SetEntityAsMissionEntity(vehicle, true, true) for i=-1, 14 do local ped = GetPedInVehicleSeat(vehicle, i) if DoesEntityExist(ped) then RemoveAllPedWeapons(ped, true) end end else local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1) RemoveAllPedWeapons(ped, true) end end) ``` 4. Save the file and add it to your server's `resources` folder. 5. Update your `server.cfg` file to include the new script: ``` start remove_weapons ``` 6. Restart the server, and now you can trigger the event using: ```lua TriggerServerEvent('removeAllWeapons') ``` With this implementation, when the event is triggered, it will remove weapons from all peds in vehicles, including players, and weapons will be inaccessible in vehicles.
answer:Games can teach critical thinking and problem-solving in various ways, such as: 1. Developing strategic thinking: Many games involve planning and foresight, requiring players to anticipate the moves or actions of other players, as well as the consequences of their own actions. Games like chess, sudoku or strategy video games help to develop strategic thinking and understanding cause-effect relationships. 2. Encouraging creativity: Some games encourage players to think creatively to solve problems or create new solutions within the game's parameters. For example, games like Minecraft, Little Big Planet, and Roblox involve designing and building structures or environments. 3. Enhancing analytical skills: Some games involve the analysis of information, pattern recognition, or the evaluation of various options to solve problems. Analysis plays a role in games like cryptograms or word puzzle games, where players need to evaluate multiple alternatives and select the most suitable one. 4. Improving deductive reasoning: Games that require players to extract relevant information from a given set of data and make logical inferences or deductions can help teach critical thinking. Examples of such games include the board game Clue or mystery-solving videogames like the "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney" series. 5. Encouraging collaboration and communication: Multiplayer games often require teamwork, collaboration, and effective communication among team members to solve problems and succeed as a unit. Games like "Overwatch" or "League of Legends" rely on strategic collaboration and communication skills to be successful. 6. Adapting to new situations: Games often present players with new challenges or constantly changing environments, requiring quick thinking, flexibility and adaptability in order to succeed. A game like Tetris, for example, requires players to strategize and respond quickly to a continually changing landscape. 7. Managing resources: In many strategy games, players have to manage resources such as money, materials, or time effectively to achieve their goals. Games like "Civilization" or "StarCraft" teach players to balance resource management, efficiency, and strategic decision-making. Incorporating these types of games into educational settings or using them as a supplement to traditional teaching methods can help teach critical thinking and problem-solving skills in an engaging, entertaining and interactive way.
question:Lettter Extension of joining back
answer:Dear [Manager's Name], I am writing this letter in response to the notification that I received regarding the opportunity to re-join the organization. I am extremely thrilled and grateful for the chance to join the team once again. I had a great experience working with the organization in the past, and I am excited to bring back all that I have learned and gained during my absence. I am confident that with my skills and expertise, I can make valuable contributions to the company. I would like to request an extension of the joining date, as I would need some time to complete the formalities and wrap up my current work commitments. I hope you can understand my situation and offer me some flexibility in terms of the joining date. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to re-joining the organization and contributing to its ongoing success. Sincerely, [Your Name]