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question:how to bind wl-copy and wl-paste in sway

answer:In Sway, which is a Wayland compositor that is compatible with i3 window manager configuration syntax, you can bind keys to specific commands using the `bindsym` directive in your Sway configuration file (usually found at `~/.config/sway/config`). The `wl-copy` and `wl-paste` utilities are used to interact with the clipboard on Wayland. To bind keys to `wl-copy` and `wl-paste`, you can add `bindsym` commands in your Sway configuration file. For example: ```shell # Bind Mod+Shift+c to copy the selected text to clipboard bindsym mod+Shift+c exec wl-copy # Bind Mod+Shift+v to paste the clipboard content bindsym mod+Shift+v exec wl-paste --no-newline ``` Replace `mod` with your modifier key, which is typically set to `Mod4` (the Super key, often labeled with a Windows logo) at the beginning of the config file. After adding these lines, you'll need to reload the Sway configuration for the changes to take effect. You can do this by using the command `swaymsg reload` or by pressing the key combination set to reload the configuration (commonly `mod+Shift+c` in the default config). Note that using `wl-copy` like this will copy the last selected text in the terminal or any application that supports such an operation, but for GUI applications (not all of them support Wayland natively), you might want to ensure they support copying text to the clipboard through the expected mechanics (via Ctrl+C or a right-click menu). Moreover, for `wl-copy` to work without immediately writing input to it, you might need to bind it to a key combination alongside a utility that outputs the selection, like using `grim` for screen capturing or `slurp` for selecting an area, when you're working with images. For example, to take a screenshot and copy it to the clipboard, you might use: ```shell # Take a screenshot of a selected area and copy it to clipboard bindsym mod+s exec grim -g "(slurp)" - | wl-copy ``` Remember, after you make changes to your Sway configuration file, you must either reload Sway or restart your session for the changes to take effect.

question:سلام من دانشجوی رشته ی مدیریت رسانه هستم . میخوام یک تحقیق بنویسم که 15 فصل داشته باشه و هر فصل هم 6 قسمت (شش بخش یا شش تیتر جداگانه) داشته باشه. من باید یکی از این سه دسته رو برای تحقیق انتخاب کنم : Video and Audio (رسانه های صوتی و تصویری) یا Cinema and music (سینما و موسیقی) یا social media (رسانه های جمعی) وقتی دسته ی خودم رو انتخاب کردم ، باید استراتژی های رسانه ای دسته انتخاب شده رو ، در سه حوزه ی تخصصی زیر بررسی کنم : 1) Technology and platform (فناوری و پلتفورم) و 2) Content and storytelling (محتوا و روایتگری) و 3) Relations and Stakeholders (روابط و ذینفعان). برای منبع ، متنی معرفی کرده و گفته منبع اصلی تحقیق این متن هستن (که اطلاعات اون را در ادامه برایت میفرستم) . من در تحقیقم باید از این منبع استفاده کنم . البته در واقع خودت مینویسی بر اساس محتوای متن ها و لابلای نوشته هات نقل قول مستقیم از متن ها هم میکنی داخل "" . فقط رفرنس نقل قول ها رو داخل متن ذکر میکنی . مثل یک کتاب استاد گفته در تحقیقات تون به این موارد هم اشاره کنید . تحلیل ماهیت رسانه شناخت چشم انداز سازمان رسانه ای مربوطه پارادایم شیفت و تاریخچه و ... میخوام فصل به فصل خودت برام بسازی با متن هایی که در اختیارت میذارم . من متن ها رو برات میفرستم دونه دونه . شش تا متن هست . اون ها رو بخون و فصل به فصل برام بساز. متوجه موضوع شدی کاملا؟؟ میتونی کمکم کنی برای نوشتن ؟؟ بریم سراغ متن ؟

answer:سلام به شما، نوشتن یک تحقیق پژوهشی با 15 فصل و هر فصل دارای 6 قسمت، یک پروژه بزرگ و زمان‌بر است. من به عنوان هوش مصنوعی می‌توانم به شما کمک کنم و راهنمایی لازم را ارائه دهم تا شما بتوانید خودتان این تحقیق را به بهترین شکل ممکن انجام دهید. اینکه شما می‌خواهید موضوع خاصی را انتخاب کنید کاملاً به علاقه و حوزه کاری شما بستگی دارد. از بین گزینه‌هایی که ارائه داده‌اید، هر کدام می‌توانند پتانسیل بسیار عمیق و گسترده‌ای برای تحقیق داشته باشند: 1. رسانه‌های صوتی و تصویری: به بررسی تکنولوژی‌ها، پلتفرم‌ها، استراتژی‌های محتوایی، تعامل با ذینفعان و تحولاتی که در این حوزه به وجود آمده است، می‌پردازد. 2. سینما و موسیقی: می‌تواند به آنالیز تاریخچه، پیشرفت‌ها و تغییرات در صنعت، هنر روایتگری از طریق فیلم و موسیقی و ارتباطات صنعتی اختصاص داشته باشد. 3. رسانه‌های جمعی: رویکردی به شبکه‌های اجتماعی، پلتفرم‌های مشارکتی، ایجاد محتوا و استراتژی‌های تعامل با مخاطبان و تاثیر این رسانه‌ها بر جامعه. شما ابتدا باید یکی از این موضوعات را برگزینید و سپس می‌توانیم بر اساس آن یک ساختار فصل‌بندی منطقی برای تحقیق شما ایجاد کنیم. به محض اینکه موضوع مورد نظر را انتخاب کردید و متن‌های مرجع را در اختیار من قرار دادید، می‌توانم به شما کمک کنم تا نقشه‌ای برای ساختار کلی تحقیقتان طراحی کنیم و برخی ایده‌های مقدماتی برای هر فصل و بخش‌هایش ارائه دهیم. لطفاً توضیحات بیشتر را در مورد تمرکز و موضوع خاصی که انتخاب کرده‌اید و همچنین متون مرجع را ارائه دهید تا بهتر بتوانیم روی این پروژه کار کنیم.

question:فصل اول تحقیق را برایم بنویس

answer:چون هنوز موضوع دقیق و متن‌های مرجع را در اختیار من قرار نداده‌اید، نمی‌توانم یک فصل کامل بنویسم. با این حال، می‌توانم یک نمونه ساختار برای فصل اول با عنوان کلی برای هر یک از سه دسته‌ای که ذکر کردید، ارائه دهم. بعد از آن، شما می‌توانید با توجه به متن‌های مرجع دقیق‌تر بروید. فصل اول: مقدمه‌ای بر رسانه‌های جمعی 1. تعریف و مفهوم رسانه‌های جمعی - تعریف رسانه‌های جمعی - تاریخچه و تکامل رسانه‌های جمعی - نقش رسانه‌های جمعی در جامعه امروز 2. پلتفرم‌ها و فناوری‌ها در رسانه‌های جمعی - معرفی پلتفرم‌های کلیدی - چگونگی تاثیر فناوری بر توسعه رسانه‌های جمعی - آینده فناوری در رسانه‌های جمعی 3. محتوا و روایتگری در رسانه‌های جمعی - اهمیت محتوا در رسانه‌های جمعی - شیوه‌های روایتگری نوین - مطالعه موردی تاثیرگذاری محتوا بر مخاطب 4. رابطه رسانه‌های جمعی با ذینفعان - شناسایی مختلف ذینفعان در صنعت رسانه‌های جمعی - تعاملات و ارتباطات استراتژیک - مدیریت ارتباطات در بحران‌های رسانه‌ای 5. دیدگاه‌های نظری و پارادایم‌های رسانه‌های جمعی - نظریه‌های رسانه‌ای مؤثر بر رسانه‌های جمعی - پارادایم شیفت‌ها در تاریخچه رسانه‌های جمعی - پیامدهای اجتماعی و فرهنگی تغییرات پارادایم 6. تحلیل ماهیت و چشم‌انداز سازمان‌های رسانه‌های جمعی - مطالعه موردی سازمان‌های رسانه‌ای برجسته - بررسی اهداف و استراتژی‌های رسانه‌های جمعی - چالش‌ها و فرصت‌های پیش روی سازمان‌های رسانه‌ای شما می‌توانید با مطالعه متن‌های مرجع و تطبیق اطلاعات با عناوین فوق، فصل اول خود را بسازید. به یاد داشته باشید که هر قسمت باید با تمرکز بر موضوع خاص خود، با نقل قول‌های مستقیم و استناد به منابع به درستی عمق داده شود. این تنها یک مثال کلی است و برای ایجاد یک فصل کامل و دقیق، مراجعه به متن‌ها و داده‌های واقعی ضروری است.

question:اینم متن : خلاصه کتاب Strategic Management in the Media خلاصه کتاب مدیریت استراتژیک در رسانه Theory to Practice تئوری تا عمل 2nd Edition ویرایش 2 Lucy Küng لوسی کونگ Chapter 1 : Introduction فصل اول : معرفی Introduction: The introduction highlights the need for further exploration and theorization of the intersection between economic determinations and cultural discourses in the media industry. Goals of the Book: The book aims to assist managers, researchers, and academics in understanding and navigating the changing landscape of the media industry. It provides a mapping of the industry, identifies common strategic challenges, explores relevant strategic models, and reviews existing theories in media management. Structure of the Book: The book covers three core areas of strategic theory: rational approaches, adaptive approaches, and interpretative ones. It sequentially explores various aspects of strategic management in media organizations, including the strategic environment, competitive positioning, strategic resources, technological change, organizational structure, creativity and innovation, culture and mindset, and leadership. What is Media Management? Media management is a subset of the field of media management, which aims to bridge the gap between general management theory and the specificities of the media industry. The field is still emerging and lacks clear definition and cohesion. It has been primarily researched by scholars from disciplines such as media economics, media studies, political economics, and journalism studies, resulting in a diverse range of theories and topics. Media Economics: Media management has been influenced by media economics, which applies economic principles to the media industry. Media economics focuses on industry structures, resource deployment, revenue and cost structures, pricing, production processes, market analysis, media ownership, regulation, consumer behavior, and the impact of technology. It provides insights into strategy formulation and implementation in media organizations. Audience Economics: Audience economics extends the media economics literature and examines the economic dimensions of audience behavior and measurement. It views media audiences as a unique product market. Conclusion: The media management field is an underexplored and under-theorized one, heavily influenced by media economics. Understanding the economic forces and strategic choices within the media industry can provide valuable insights for strategic management in media organizations. Political Economy Approaches Political economy approaches in media management analyze the structure of media industries, regulatory and policy issues, economic determinants, ownership structures, and political allegiances. It combines perspectives from economics, politics, and sociology. تحلیل ساختار صنایع رسانه‌ایMedia Studies Media studies is a cross-disciplinary field that applies concepts from various disciplines to analyze media organizations, understand society and cultural discourses, and study the effects of mass media on individuals and society. It includes the analysis of journalism, film, gaming, audience studies, television studies, radio studies, advertising, and new media. Mass Communications and Journalism Studies Mass communications and journalism studies focus on the nature of media content, how it is processed and delivered to audiences, and the impact of such content, especially journalistic content, on individuals and society. It explores how mass media are organized and how content is produced and delivered. Media Management - The State of Play The state of media management is largely focused on viewing media organizations as businesses, analyzing external changes such as technology, policy, regulation, and consumption, and understanding their impact on media firms' output. Historically, the research on media management reflected changes in the industry's strategic environment, including liberalization, deregulation, globalization, and technological advancements. وضعیت مدیریت رسانه‌ها Defining the Media Industry Defining the media industry is challenging, especially with the impact of convergence. There is no commonly accepted definition, and different perspectives include different sectors and industries such as broadcasting, print media, motion picture, recording, gaming, sports, theme parks, performing arts, advertising, marketing, and public relations. Characteristics of the mass media: Media products are experiential goods, with their value derived from intellectual property and use of symbols. Traditional mass media products can be duplicated and produced at low cost, leading to expansion into multiple markets. Media products are unique and often perishable, requiring constant product innovation. Mass media products deliver a one-way message to a potentially unlimited audience. Media business models rely on receiving revenues from advertisers in exchange for delivering audiences. Mass media business models: Traditional media businesses generate revenue from advertisers by delivering audiences attracted by content. Media organisations operate in a dual-product marketplace, providing content to attract audiences and selling these audiences to advertisers. The introduction of new technologies, such as cable and satellite transmission, has disrupted the traditional business model. Digital media has further undermined the traditional business model. Digital media: Digital media refers to new forms of media that have emerged with digital technologies. Digital media is characterized by its reliance on computing technologies, digital information, and the use of the internet as a delivery network. The digital media sector is profoundly different from the mass media sector and is rapidly evolving. Social responsibility and regulation: The media sector is expected to act in a socially responsible way and promote specific social values. Media organisations must not only seek to maximize profits but also act in the public interest and promote values such as social interaction and democratic participation. Media companies are subject to regulations that affect various aspects of their strategic activities. تقسیم بندی فصل های کتاب Overview of subsequent chapters This book consists of nine chapters that cover the following topics. نه فصلChapter 1 فصل 1Chapter 2 فصل 2Chapter 3 فصل 3Chapter 4 فصل 4Chapter 5 فصل 5 Chapter 6 فصل 6Chapter 7 فصل 7Chapter 8 فصل 8Chapter 9 فصل 9Chapter 2 - The Strategic Context فصل 2 - زمینه استراتژیک This chapter discusses the factors that influence changes in the media industry’s strategic environment, which are mainly driven by technological advancements and shifts in consumer behavior. - Permanent Drumbeat of Technological Change Technological evolution consistently challenges the media industry. New forms of media emerge but do not always replace older ones; instead, they force adaptation. - Scanning the Strategic Environment – PEST Analysis Strategic analysis often starts with a PEST analysis, examining Political, Economic, Social, and Technological factors to identify key changes affecting organizations. - PEST Analysis of Public Service Broadcasters PSBs face challenges in technological changes, economic shifts, social behavior modifications, and political pressures that may impact their operations and funding. - Value Chain Analysis as a Tool for Highlighting Environmental Change Organizations compete by delivering value through activities, and understanding value chains identifies competitive advantages. - Value Chains in the Media Media companies deal with changes in production, competition, and market dynamics. This involves analyzing traditional and new value chains to form successful strategies. - Disintermediation and Unbundling Some organizations focus on specific stages of the value chain, separating those stages from integrated corporations to specialize in particular sectors. - MTV – A Product of Value Chain Disintermediation MTV exemplifies how focusing on aggregating external content into a music television channel as a standalone business can succeed as a new stage in the value chain. - Fragmentation, Extension, and Contraction Value chains change by fragmenting into separate activities, extending to include new stages, or contracting to bypass traditional stages entirely. - Endemol – Born of Value Chain Fragmentation Endemol demonstrates how a company can emerge from value chain fragmentation to become a global independent production company focusing on reality TV formats. - Non-Linear Chains As industries evolve, value chains may no longer be linear but can become fluid and multidirectional, representing complex business networks. - Changing Business Models Digital innovation has led to new business models such as Apple’s online music distribution, as companies seek to create and capture value in novel ways. - Vice Media – An Old Media-New Media Hybrid Vice Media embodies digital-era business models, distributing content across diverse platforms while attracting significant investment. - Strategic Development of Business Models – The Search for Adjacencies To grow, media organizations explore new markets or products closely related to their expertise, such as Amazon’s expansion from bookselling into media and technology services. - Impact of the Digital Platforms – Apple, Facebook et al. Digital platforms disrupt multiple sectors, redefining media industry boundaries and competition, and seizing revenue streams. - Streamed Media – Rent Don’t Buy The streamed media segment operates on subscription-based business models, offering consumers access to vast content libraries and content providers significant logistical advantages. - Digital Pure Plays Digital-only media companies are surging ahead by producing content for online consumption and leveraging technology to adapt rapidly. - Fragmentation of Consumption Advances in technology and digital platforms have led to fragmented media consumption, challenging traditional mass media models. Acceleration of the Hit Model Success in creative industries tends to snowball, and due to globalization, that success can become massive. However, predicting hits remains a challenge since content success is unpredictable despite sophisticated marketing and data analysis techniques used by companies like Amazon and Netflix. Content Creation: A Game of Chance Content combines informational, creative, and entertaining elements, but what resonates with the public is often a mystery. The failure rate for new releases, especially in music, is high, and even experienced executives cannot guarantee hits. *Traditional Media Strategies Traditionally, media industries used two strategies to cope with the uncertainty of content popularity: “throwing mud against the wall” by producing many products in the hope of some succeeding, and the “hit” or “blockbuster” model, which focuses on a few products with the most market potential and invests heavily in these. The Economic vs. Artistic Impulse Under the blockbuster approach, content creation is driven more by economic considerations rather than artistic ones. This approach assumes that larger budgets will attract larger audiences and that heavy marketing can steer audience choice. The Nature of Blockbusters Blockbusters target the widest audience, have simple plots with universal themes, and are often designed to be part of a franchise. They are meant to appeal even to audiences with short attention spans and come with strong marketing strategies. The Proliferation of the Hit Model Despite the rise of user-generated content and viral media, the hit model is becoming more attractive to media organizations. Audiences are fickle, multimedia possibilities are expanding, and globalization increases potential markets. Media companies have larger budgets, and certain content categories drive adoption of new technologies. Demassification and the Emergence of the Niche While entertainment giants still aim for blockbusters, a growth in niches is observable. Technological advancement has allowed for specialized content aimed at specific audience segments, which is sometimes preferred by modern audiences over generalized content. Emergent Strategic Environments Legacy media organizations face a new strategic situation with diminishing traditional revenue streams and emerging delivery patterns. They must adapt to compete with tech giants like Google and Facebook, requiring new skills, agility, and strategies for a different landscape. Technological Advances and Opportunities While technology challenges existing media business models, it also presents opportunities with new product categories and lower entry barriers. Incumbent media must undergo organizational transformations to survive in the new strategic environment. This summary encapsulates the overarching themes and critical points discussed in each heading, providing an understanding of the challenges, strategies, and transformations in the media industry related to the hit model. مرور و جمع بندی فصل This chapter focuses on the evolving landscape of the media industry heavily influenced by technological innovation and changing consumer behaviors. The industry is constantly adapting to the drumbeat of technological progress that introduces new forms alongside traditional media. Companies use PEST analysis to evaluate Political, Economic, Social, and Technological influences, essential for public service broadcasters facing funding and operational challenges. Understanding the value chain, which is continually adjusted through fragmentation, extension, or contraction, helps businesses remain competitive. Examples like MTV and Endemol show how specialization in certain value chain stages can lead to success. Digital platforms like Apple and Facebook have disrupted traditional models, fostering new revenue streams and business structures, such as subscription-based streaming services. Meanwhile, content creation fluctuates between aiming for wide-reaching blockbusters and catering to niche markets. Despite unpredictability, the hit model remains alluring due to its potential grandeur bolstered by globalization and digital tools. Media firms need to innovate and expand into adjacent markets, like Amazon’s foray beyond bookselling, navigating the challenges posed by digital competitors and fragmented media consumption to stay relevant in a dynamic digital environment. Chapter 3: Strategic Concepts for the Media Industries فصل سوم: مفاهیم راهبردی برای صنایع رسانه ای 1. Introduction - The chapter sets the stage by highlighting the importance of strategic thinking for media managers within the dynamic media industries. 2. The Scope and Complexity of Strategic Management Research - It reviews the vastness of strategic management research and the inherent complexities involved in studying strategy within the media sector. 3. Strategic Models Categorized on a Continuum - A model categorizing strategic approaches on a continuum from rationalist to interpretative is introduced. 4. Rationalist Approaches to Strategy - This section details analytic and methodical strategies based on rational decision-making, market structure, and industry organization. Porter’s models and the Resource-Based View (RBV) are discussed. 5. Adaptive Approaches to Strategy - Discusses how strategy is a process rather than a state, focusing on the capacity for adaptation through strategic adjustments in response to environmental change. 6. Interpretative Approaches to Strategy - Delve into the ‘hidden’ subjective elements of organizations like culture, mindset, and values that define how strategies are actually formulated and implemented by individuals. 7. Concluding Thoughts - The chapter wraps up by reiterating the necessity for different strategic approaches based on specific conditions faced by media organizations. Each section takes a closer look at the specified strategic models and how they play a role in guiding media managers. The rationalist section, for instance, examines structured strategic planning, while adaptive approaches emphasize readiness for change, and interpretative strategies delve into the psychological and cultural underpinnings of strategic change. The conclusion emphasizes the need for a tailored approach to strategy in the media industries. مرور و جمع بندی فصل Chapter 3 titled “Strategic Concepts for the Media Industries” delves into how media managers can employ various strategic approaches and tools to address the unique challenges faced by media organizations. The chapter aims to bridge the gap between the general principles of strategic management and the particulars of media industries. It begins by acknowledging the breadth and fragmentation of strategic management research, which makes the field vast and complex. The chapter notes the problem of compartmentalism, or incommensurability, where different strategic concepts often appear inconsistent with each other. It also discusses the difficulty of defining the boundaries of strategic management. The chapter introduces the concept of organizing strategic theory into three main schools of thought: rationalist, adaptive, and interpretative approaches. Rationalist approaches are analytic and assume rational behavior, focusing on market structures and strategic behavior. Examples include Porter’s Five-Forces Model and the resource-based view (RBV) of competitive advantage. These models have been frequently applied to media industries. Adaptive approaches, in contrast, view strategy as an evolutionary process, emphasizing adaptation, learning, and the interplay between an organization’s structure and its environment. Attention is given to the need for organizations to be capable of both incremental and transformational changes in response to environmental shifts. Interpretative approaches consider the deeper aspects of organizations, such as culture, mindset, values, and emotions. These approaches pay close attention to the subjective and often unconscious elements that influence strategic change. They address the importance of understanding symbolism, cognitive processes, and cultural dynamics within an organization. In conclusion, the chapter underscores that different strategic conditions call for different approaches. While rationalist frameworks are valuable for stable environments, adaptive and interpretative approaches become critical for managing the complexities and uncertainties prevalent in today’s rapidly evolving media landscape. The subsequent chapters will explore these concepts further in the context of the media industry. chapter 4: Strategic Responses to Technological Chang فصل چهارم: پاسخ های راهبردی به تحولات تکنولوژیکی This chapter examines strategic responses to technological change within the media industry. The media sector frequently treats technology as a secondary factor—a surprising attitude, given how technology and media are closely intertwined, with technology shaping organizational behavior and strategic outcomes. Meanwhile, technological advancements have historically been used to gain a competitive edge, as evident in pioneering companies like Walt Disney. Despite these insights, media management research has not deeply penetrated discussions about firm-level responses to technological innovation. This chapter aims to fill that gap by addressing the nuanced relationship between technology, organizational strategy, and media industry dynamics. It delves into how technology has reshaped the industry, traces key developments, and examines the interplay between firm strategies and technological change, particularly different types of innovation. The chapter discusses: مباحث فصل: 1. Technological Change and the Media Industry: 1. تغییرات تکنولوژیکی و صنعت رسانه:2. Convergence and Its Causes:2. همگرایی و علل آن: 3. Newsroom Convergence:3. همگرایی اتاق خبر:4. The Digital Editorial Thinker :۴. تفکر ویراستاری دیجیتال: 5. Software is Eating the Media:5. نرم افزار در حال خوردن رسانه هاست 6. Technology and Strategy:6. فناوری و استراتژی: The chapter introduces the concept of “organizational technology,” referring to the interrelationship between technology, organizations, and innovation, and explains technology transitions and dominant designs. Cases such as Encyclopaedia Britannica highlight the challenge of responding successfully to technological change—even when an organization recognizes the need for a strategic response, execution may be inadequate. Moreover, the chapter delineates different types of technological change: - Incremental innovations involve minor improvements within existing technological trajectories. - Architectural innovations modify existing technologies for new markets. - Discontinuous innovations represent a break with established systems and require firms to develop new competencies. - Disruptive innovations upset market structures, creating simpler products that grow to challenge established players. علاوه بر این، این فصل انواع مختلف تغییرات تکنولوژیکی را تشریح می کند: The chapter also addresses organizational inertia—a resistance to change that can lead to failure despite possessing relevant resources—and suggests establishing new business units as a strategic response to innovation. The concept of ambidexterity is discussed, with organizations aiming to balance exploration of new technologies with exploitation of established products. For some firms, this balance involves creating semi-structured units to adapt rapidly to technological discontinuities. Finally, the chapter presents the case of the Deseret News, showcasing the implementation of Clark Gilbert’s strategies to tackle disruption, which included separating legacy and digital operations, positioning the legacy business for sustainability, creating new businesses from disruptive innovations, and managing shared resources through a capabilities exchange. The chapter concludes that media firms must discern different types of innovation and align strategic responses appropriately, underlining the importance of fostering creativity, innovation, as well as the right structure, culture, and leadership. مرور و جمع بندی فصل This chapter delves into the media industry’s strategic responses to technological change, highlighting the interdependence of technology and media. Despite the significant impact technology has on organizational behavior and competitive advantages—as exemplified by companies like Disney—media management research has not adequately explored firm-level strategies addressing technological innovation. The chapter seeks to examine this issue by analyzing how technology reshapes media dynamics and influences strategic decisions. It discusses various aspects, such as the historical pattern of technological change within the media, convergence in the industry, the evolution of newsrooms, the role of software, and the connection between technology and organizational strategy. Significant attention is given to different types of technological changes, including incremental, architectural, discontinuous, and disruptive innovations, and how firms react to these with varying degrees of success. The chapter emphasizes organizational inertia, the concept of ambidexterity in managing new and existing products, and presents a case study of Deseret News implementing strategies against disruption. It concludes that media firms must recognize and respond to innovation effectively, maintaining a balance of creativity, structure, culture, and leadership. chapter 5: Creativity in the Media فصل پنجم : خلاقیت در رسانه The Importance of Creativity in the Media Keynes acknowledges the power of ideas in shaping history. The chapter starts by accentuating the strategic importance of creativity in media organizations, linking it to innovation, technological advancement, and strategic change. As technology disrupts media platforms and consumption habits, creative efforts expand beyond content production to systems and business models. Creativity vs Innovation: Definitions and Distinctions Creativity is the birth of new ideas and is seen as the first step in innovation. Innovation implements these creative ideas and is integral to technological progress. While often used interchangeably, creativity and innovation are distinct—they stem from different research traditions and have unique implications for organizational strategy. Factors Driving Creativity in Organizational Settings Theories propose three critical components necessary for creativity in organizations: - Creativity-Relevant Skills: Include cognitive style and the ability to break mental rigidities and explore new ideas. - Expertise: Pertains to knowledge and experience in a particular domain that enables coming up with creative solutions. - Intrinsic Motivation: Refers to the motivation stemming from the joy of the task itself, considered the most critical component of creativity. مهارت های خلاقیت مرتبطتخصصانگیزه درونیStrategies for Enhancing Creativity Within an Organization The work environment can significantly influence creativity through factors like encouragement of creativity, precise challenge setting, providing adequate autonomy, judicious allocation of resources, and fostering effective team dynamics. Case Studies: Applying Creativity in Media Organizations Home Box Office (HBO) and Pixar Animation Studios are explored as cases that exemplify effective strategies for ensuring a strong creative pipeline and sustained organizational creativity, leading to commercial and critical success. Creativity in Broader Organizational Contexts Creativity should not only be confined to content creation but also be applied to organizational systems and strategy. This is well exemplified by CNN’s innovative approach to news production and delivery, utilizing technological advances to revolutionize the news broadcasting process. The Case of CNN CNN’s creativity impacted its content, systems, and strategy, leading to an unconventional but successful business approach. Their creative solutions addressed resource limitations and leveraged technology, setting a standard for modern news delivery. Concluding Remarks This chapter connects the concept of creativity in media organizations to broader strategic management and emphasizes that by managing mundane and strategic elements effectively, media firms can optimize creativity and performance. It highlights CNN as a case where strategic application of creativity in systems and strategy has reaped benefits. The chapter advocates for more thorough research into the interplay between creativity and strategic management within the media industry. مرور و جمع بندی فصل The chapter delves into the significance of creativity in media organizations, stressing its role in fostering innovation and adapting to technological changes. It outlines the distinction between creativity and innovation, emphasizing that although related, they serve different functions within an organization. Underpinning creativity, there are three elements: skills relevant to creativity, domain-specific expertise, and intrinsic motivation, with the latter being paramount. To bolster creativity, factors such as a supportive work environment, resources, autonomy, and team composition are crucial. Case studies like HBO and Pixar illustrate applied creativity leading to success. The chapter also ventures into creativity in systems and strategy, using CNN as an example of how creative approaches can enrich business models and operations. It concludes that enhancing organizational creativity is strategic for navigating the unstable media landscape and calls for more research into the systemic cultivation of creativity. Chapter 6: Culture, Mindset and Strategy فصل ششم: فرهنگ، طرز فکر و استراتژی This chapter examines the interpretative school of strategy, focusing on its application to media industries. Interpreting organizations from the viewpoint of insiders, this school emphasizes the importance of subjective beliefs, values, and emotions in shaping strategic behavior. It specifically looks at cultural assumptions (unconscious beliefs present in all organizations) and cognitions (explicit beliefs held by individuals within an organization), discussing their roles in strategy and how they play out in media industries with case studies. Culture This section emphasizes the impact of organizational culture on strategic outcomes. It points to how culture can be both a driver of success and a source of resistance to change. What is culture? Describes organizational culture as the collective unconscious assumptions that shape how members perceive their environment and respond to it, which in turn drives strategic actions. ‘As Heretofore’ – how History Shapes Culture at The Guardian1 A case study of The Guardian demonstrates how its culture, steeped in history and driven by liberal values, influenced its digital strategy and success. Culture and creativity Explains the intrinsic connection between culture and creativity within organizations, citing intrinsic motivation and shared meaning as key links. Layers of culture Outlines Schein’s model of organizational culture consisting of three levels: artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions. The BBC’s Corporate Culture A case study of the BBC’s corporate culture is presented, showing how deep-rooted assumptions within the BBC influenced its strategic behavior. Dimensions of organisational culture Discusses the existence and interaction of various sub-cultures within an organization and the potential for conflict between them. Building Netflix’s ‘Culture of Performance’ Netflix’s approach to creating a performance culture is demonstrated, with a focus on its strategic importance and the controversy surrounding its high-performance ideals. Industry cultures Examines the unique cultural characteristics of entire industries, using Silicon Valley as an example of a culture that fosters adaptability and innovation. Culture and Strategic Change at BBC News Online The role cultural elements played in the successful establishment and operation of BBC News Online is detailed, revealing how the right culture can facilitate digital initiatives. Building a pro-digital culture Highlights the importance of a pro-digital culture for legacy media companies and how cultural openness to digital innovation should be fostered from the top leadership. Cognition Introduces the cognitive school of strategy and its significance in the strategic adaptation of organizations, emphasizing the role of cognitive maps and mental models. Cognition and strategic change Discusses how organizational cognition affects strategic change, referencing the challenges of digital disruption and the need to adapt cognitively. Cognitive structures Outlines various cognitive structures, such as cognitive maps, schemas, mental models, and paradigms, which guide sense-making and interpretation within organizations. Cognitions and digital disruption Provides an examination of how industry cognitions during the dotcom era influenced strategic decision-making in media companies, often with costly consequences. Cognition and innovation Looks at how existing mental frameworks can block innovation, referencing theories and case studies that explain how challenging assumptions can result in strategic differentiation. Cognitions and BBC News Online2 A detailed example showing how cognitive perceptions from different levels within the BBC, including the Director General’s view of the internet, shaped the success of BBC News Online. Conclusions Summarizes the chapter by reiterating the importance of the interpretative approach to strategy, particularly in the context of the media industry’s challenges with cultural and cognitive rigidity. This approach can guide the implementation of adaptive strategic initiatives and address the nuances of organizational behavior. مرور و جمع بندی فصل This chapter analyzes the significance of culture and cognition in the strategic processes within media organizations. It highlights how shared cultural assumptions and individual cognitive frameworks can both facilitate and hinder adaptation to change, particularly in the digital realm. Through case studies of The Guardian, the BBC, and Netflix, the chapter emphasizes the importance of interpreting organizational dynamics to implement successful strategies. Chapter 7: Organisation Structure and Strategy فصل هفتم : ساختار و استراتژی سازمان Chapter 7, titled “Organisation Structure and Strategy,” examines the interplay between the structure of a media organization and its strategy, highlighting how the evolving business environment has led to various organizational forms such as mergers, acquisitions, alliances, joint ventures, spin-offs, and networks. 1. From ‘Industrial Age’ to ‘Information Age’ Organizations - Discusses the shift from traditional, hierarchical organizations to looser structures with inter-firm alliances driven by technological advancements. The section cites Eric Schmidt, founder of Google, on the transformation of companies and the reduction of transaction costs as organizations outsource functions in response to internet advancements. 2. Evolution in Broadcasting Organisation Structures - This section explains the structural evolution of broadcasting organizations due to technological changes in distribution and production, leading to the fragmentation of the mass broadcasting paradigm. 3. The Rise of the Format Producers - The chapter describes the emergence of format producers, specialized media organizations that sit atop traditional broadcasters’ assets, focusing on selling proven formats internationally. 4. Mergers, Acquisitions and the Rise of the Conglomerates - Outlines the trend of mergers and acquisitions that led to the formation of global media conglomerates in the latter part of the last century, driven by globalization, technological change, and other factors. 5. Convergence as Merger Driver – Time Warner, AOL and Verizon - Uses AOL, Time Warner, and Verizon as case studies to illustrate how convergence has driven mergers and acquisitions in the media industry. 6. Impact of the Conglomerates - Looks at the performance of large media conglomerates and discusses concerns regarding their potential impacts, including market oligopolies and homogenization of media content. 7. News Corporation: Buy, Sell, Split, Partner, Invest - Details the structural changes within News Corporation, highlighting their various mergers, acquisitions, and strategic deals. 8. Integrate or Separate? - Discusses the dilemma faced by established media organizations regarding the integration of new digital businesses with traditional structures. 9. Alliances - Explains the role and challenges of strategic alliances in the media industry and how they serve as a means to reduce risks and costs, and improve market entry. 10. From Alliances to Networks - The importance of network structures in the media industry is explained, depicting networks as adaptable, efficiency-driven organizational forms. 11. Networks in the Media Industry - Reflects on the existence of networks within the media industry, with examples of network-like features in Hollywood and UK television sectors. 12. Project-based Organizations - Identifies project-based organizational structures as flexible models suited to respond to the novel and unique nature of many media products. 13. Start-ups - Highlights the important role of start-ups in the media industry as drivers of innovation and creativity. Conclusions - Summarizes the various organizational changes and strategies in the media industry, emphasizing the need for managers to carefully consider the structural implications of their strategies and the increasing popularity of flexible organizational forms. Note - Provides a reference for a case study. For a full case study see Küng (2003). مرور و جمع بندی فصل Chapter 7 explores the relationship between an organization’s structure and its strategic response to the dynamic environment, particularly within the media industry. The chapter highlights a transition from traditional, hierarchical organizations to more flexible and network-based structures, a transformation spurred by technological advances in communication and coordination such as the internet. Key trends discussed include the shift in organizational structures in broadcasting, the rise of format producers, and the proliferation of mergers and acquisitions leading to the formation of media conglomerates. The chapter also examines the impact of such conglomerates and the strategic significance of alliances, networks, and project-based organizations. It concludes with a reflection on the implications of these organizational transformations for managers, emphasizing the need to carefully consider structural choices in strategic decision-making. Chapter 8: Leadership فصل هشتم : رهبری Chapter “Leadership” discusses the complex nature of leadership in the media industry and its crucial role in shaping strategy and influencing the success of an organization. The chapter provides an in-depth analysis of various leadership theories and how they can be applied to the media sector. It highlights the unique challenges and complexities that leaders in the media industry face. فصل «رهبری» به بررسی طبیعت پیچیده رهبری در صنعت رسانه و نقش حیاتی آن در شکل دهی به استراتژی و تاثیرگذاری بر موفقیت یک سازمان می‌پردازد. این فصل، تحلیل عمیقی از نظریات مختلف رهبری ارائه داده و بیان می‌کند چگونه این نظریات می‌توانند در بخش رسانه‌ای به کار گرفته شوند. همچنین، به چالش‌ها و پیچیدگی‌های منحصر به فردی که رهبران در صنعت رسانه با آن مواجه هستند، اشاره می‌نماید. 1. Introduction: Emphasizing the importance of leadership in the media industry, acknowledging its historical impact and current influence in the digital age. 1. مقدمه: تاکید بر اهمیت رهبری در صنعت رسانه، به رسمیت شناختن تاثیر تاریخی آن و نفوذ کنونی در عصر دیجیتال. 2. What is leadership?: Tracing the development of leadership studies from the early 20th century to modern theoretical perspectives, including debates surrounding leadership definitions and whether it is an innate trait or a social process influenced by others. 2. رهبری چیست؟: ردیابی توسعه مطالعات رهبری از اوایل قرن بیستم تا دیدگاه‌های نظری مدرن، شامل بحث‌های مربوط به تعریف رهبری و این که آیا رهبری یک ویژگی ذاتی است یا فرآیندی اجتماعی تحت تاثیر دیگران. 3. Trait approaches - born to be a leader: Discussing early theories suggesting that leaders are born with specific traits that make them predisposed to successful leadership, although no definitive set of traits has been universally agreed upon. 3. رویکردهای ویژگی - متولد شدن برای رهبری: بحث در مورد نظریات اولیه‌ای که می‌گویند رهبران با ویژگی‌های خاصی به دنیا می‌آیند که آن‌ها را برای رهبری موفق مستعد می‌کند، هرچند هیچ مجموعه‌ای مشخص از ویژگی‌ها به صورت جهانی توافق نشده است. 4. Risk-taking and media leadership: Highlighting the entrepreneurial spirit and calculated risk-taking that characterize many media leaders and entrepreneurs, which are essential for innovation and success in the industry. 4. ریسک‌پذیری و رهبری رسانه‌ای: مشخص کردن روحیه کارآفرینی و ریسک‌های محاسبه شده که بسیاری از رهبران و کارآفرینان رسانه‌ای را مشخص می‌کند، که برای نوآوری و موفقیت در صنعت ضروری هستند. 5. Skills approaches - leadership can be learned: Contrasting with trait approaches by suggesting that leadership skills can be developed through a combination of learnable skills and experiences at various management levels. 5. رویکردهای مهارتی - رهبری قابل آموختن است: در مقابل رویکردهای ویژگی، پیشنهاد می‌شود که مهارت‌های رهبری می‌توانند از طریق ترکیبی از مهارت‌های قابل آموزش و تجربیات در سطوح مختلف مدیریتی توسعه یابند. 6. Style approaches: Shifting the focus from individual traits to leadership styles, exploring how a leader’s behavior and interactions with others can determine their effectiveness. 6. رویکردهای سبک: جابجایی تمرکز از ویژگی‌های فردی به سبک‌های رهبری، به بررسی این که چگونه رفتار و تعامل یک رهبر با دیگران می‌تواند میزان اثربخشی آن‌ها را تعیین کند. 7. Transformational leadership: Introducing a transformative approach to leadership, focusing on leaders who fundamentally change organizations by inspiring and motivating others to achieve exceptional outcomes. 7. رهبری تحول‌گرا: معرفی رویکردی تحول‌گرا به رهبری، با تمرکز بر رهبرانی که به طور بنیادین سازمان‌ها را با الهام بخشیدن و انگیزه دادن به دیگران به دستاوردهای استثنایی تغییر می‌دهند. 8. Greg Dyke - Transformational Leadership at the BBC: Presenting a case study on transformational leadership based on Greg Dyke’s initiatives at the BBC that led to significant organizational change. 8. گرگ دایک - رهبری تحول‌گرا در BBC: ارائه مطالعه موردی در مورد رهبری تحول‌گرا بر اساس ابتکارات گرگ دایک در BBC که منجر به تغییرات سازمانی مهمی شد. 9. Kotter’s Eight-Stage Process for Transformational Change: Providing a framework for implementing strategic change, emphasizing the distinction between leadership and management roles. 9. فرآیند هشت مرحله‌ای کاتر برای تغییر تحول‌گرا: ارائه چارچوبی برای پیاده‌سازی تغییر استراتژیک، با تاکید بر تفاوت بین نقش‌های رهبری و مدیریت. 10. Charismatic leadership: Discussing leadership that revolves around a leader’s personal charm and ability to inspire others through a compelling vision, often associated with high emotional intelligence. 10. رهبری کاریزماتیک: بحث در مورد رهبری که حول جذابیت شخصی یک رهبر و توانایی او برای الهام بخشیدن به دیگران از طریق یک چشم‌انداز قانع کننده می‌چرخد، که اغلب با هوش هیجانی بالا مرتبط است. 11. Jonah Peretti - Buzzfeed’s Charismatic Founder: An example of how charismatic leadership can drive the success of digital media ventures by combining visionary insights with a deep understanding of technological trends. 11. جونا پرتی - بنیانگذار کاریزماتیک بر BuzzFeed: نمونه‌ای از اینکه چگونه رهبری کاریزماتیک می‌تواند موفقیت کسب‌وکارهای رسانه‌ای دیجیتال را با ترکیب بینش‌های بینشی و درک عمیق از روندهای فناوری به پیش ببرد. 12. Leading for creativity: Linking leadership with creativity, highlighting the importance of leaders in fostering an environment that nurtures innovation and the development of new ideas. 12. رهبری برای خلاقیت: ارتباط دادن رهبری با خلاقیت، تاکید بر اهمیت رهبران در پرورش محیطی که نوآوری و توسعه ایده‌های جدید را تغذیه می‌کند. 13. Michael Eisner at Walt Disney: A case study examining the relationship between leadership strategy and creative outcomes during Michael Eisner’s tenure at Disney. 13. مایکل ایسنر در والت دیزنی: مطالعه موردی که رابطه بین استراتژی رهبری و نتایج خلاقانه را در دوره مدیریت مایکل ایسنر در دیزنی بررسی می‌کند. 14. Collaborative leadership in the media: Exploring distributed and collaborative models of leadership, which can enhance organizational performance by bringing together diverse skills and perspectives. 14. رهبری مشارکتی در رسانه: بررسی مدل‌های مشارکتی و توزیع شده رهبری، که می‌تواند با گرد هم آوردن مهارت‌ها و دیدگاه‌های متنوع، عملکرد سازمانی را بهبود بخشد. 15. Strategic leadership in the digital media era: Discussing the changing responsibilities of media leaders in the context of digital disruption, emphasizing the need for strategic thinking, creativity, technological proficiency, and responsible stewardship of the organization. 15. رهبری استراتژیک در عصر رسانه‌های دیجیتال: بحث در مورد تغییر مسئولیت‌های رهبران رسانه‌ای در زمینه اختلال دیجیتال، با تاکید بر نیاز به تفکر استراتژیک، خلاقیت، مهارت فناورانه و مدیریت مسئولانه سازمان. 16. BBC Director Generals and their Leadership Priorities: Examining how different BBC Director Generals have approached various dimensions of their leadership roles, highlighting their individual strengths and areas of focus. 16. مدیران کل BBC و اولویت‌های رهبری آن‌ها: بررسی اینکه چگونه مدیران کل مختلف BBC به ابعاد مختلف نقش‌های رهبری خود پرداخته‌اند، با تاکید بر قوت‌ها و حوزه‌های تمرکز فردی آن‌ها. 17. The art of the elegant exit - knowing when to go: Reflecting on the challenge of gracefully stepping down from leadership positions and the impact executive succession can have on an organization’s future. 17. هنر خروج باوقار - دانستن زمان رفتن: تفکر در مورد چالش کناره‌گیری باوقار از مقامات رهبری و تأثیری که جانشینی مدیریتی می‌تواند بر آینده یک سازمان داشته باشد. 18. Conclusions: Summarizing key insights on leadership in the media sector, highlighting the importance of context, the inherent paradoxes faced by leaders, and the essential link between leadership and strategy. 18. نتیجه‌گیری: خلاصه کردن بینش‌های کلیدی در مورد رهبری در بخش رسانه، تاکید بر اهمیت زمینه، تناقض‌های ذاتی که رهبران با آن مواجه هستند، و ارتباط ضروری بین رهبری و استراتژی. مرور و جمع بندی فصل This chapter on Leadership in the media sector delves into the intricate nature of guiding media organizations, outlining theories, styles, and the transformative impact of effective leadership. It underscores the vital role of leaders in driving innovation, adapting to digital transformations, and strategically steering organizations through challenges, all while fostering creativity and collaboration. Chapter 9: Conclusions – The End of the Digital Beginning فصل ۹: نتایج – پایان دوره آغاز دیجیتال The chapter discusses the changes and trends in the media industry, framing these developments as the conclusion of the initial phase of digital transformation, which has now become the foundation for modern media. It highlights the transition from descriptive analysis to prescriptive suggestions for media management and strategic planning based on the content covered in previous chapters. 1. Digital and Converged as the New Normal: The media landscape has experienced convergence, with digital technologies now central to content creation, distribution, and consumption. 2. Ascendency of Technology: Technology has become a pivotal force in shaping the media industry, and firms must adjust to incorporate technological capabilities across their organizations. 3. Strategic Leverage from Autonomy: Autonomy breeds creativity. Successful media companies combine the innovative capacity of small, autonomous groups with the distribution power of larger organizations. 4. Constant and Accelerating Change: Change remains a constant in the media industry, with rapid advances and shifts in technology, consumer behavior, and market dynamics. 5. Content Strategies and Dualities: Media firms need to reconcile opposing forces, like the need for innovative content and the reality of fickle audience demands. 6. Implications for Media Management Research: Future research should delve deeper into the dynamic internal processes of media firms, looking beyond surface changes to understand strategic outcomes. 7. Research Methods: A pluralistic approach, incorporating multiple perspectives and methodologies, is necessary for a nuanced understanding of the complex media industry. 8. Conclusions to the Conclusions: The media industry is in an extraordinary transition, providing both challenges and opportunities for strategic management. مرور و جمع بندی فصل Chapter 9 of the book provides an analysis of the changes and trends in the media industry, signaling that digitalization has become the new standard in content creation, distribution, and consumption. The chapter highlights technology as a central force in shaping the industry and stresses the need for further investigation to more accurately understand strategic outcomes. It also discusses the importance of embracing dualities and the challenges and opportunities in the evolving sector. In conclusion, strategic adaptability and the integration of creativity with technology are crucial for successful leadership in this industry.

answer:فصل اول: معرفی رسانه‌های جمعی 1. مقدمه و ضرورت تحقیق - برجسته‌سازی نیاز به کاوش بیشتر و تئوری‌پردازی تلاقی بین تعیینات اقتصادی و گفتمان‌های فرهنگی در صنعت رسانه. - هدف‌های کتاب: کمک به مدیران، پژوهشگران و اکادمیک‌ها برای درک و هدایت تغییرات محیط رسانه. 2. ساختار کتاب - بررسی سه حوزه اصلی نظریه استراتژیک: رویکردهای منطقی، تطبیقی، و تفسیری. - تعریف مدیریت رسانه‌ها و نقش مدیریت استراتژیک در این حوزه. 3. اقتصاد رسانه‌ها - تاثیر اقتصاد رسانه بر مدیریت رسانه و بررسی ساختارهای صنعت، منابع، درآمد و هزینه‌ها، تولید محتوا، و تاثیر فناوری. 4. اقتصاد مخاطب - گسترش ادبیات اقتصاد رسانه و بررسی ابعاد اقتصادی رفتار و اندازه‌گیری مخاطبان. 5. ماهیت و ویژگی‌های محصولات رسانه‌ای جمعی - بررسی ویژگی‌های منحصر به فرد محصولات رسانه‌ای، مانند خاصیت تجربی، فرآوری با هزینه کم، و پیام یک طرفه به مخاطب گسترده. 6. مدل‌های کسب‌وکار رسانه‌های جمعی: - تحلیل مدل‌های کسب و کار سنتی و نقش تکنولوژی‌های جدید در ایجاد اختلال در این مدل‌ها. این فصل راهنمایی‌هایی برای مدیران و تصمیم‌گیران در حوزه رسانه‌های جمعی ارائه می‌دهد و تاثیر عمیق فناوری و نوآوری بر این صنعت را به تصویر می‌کشد. استفاده از نظریات مختلف اقتصادی و اداری می‌تواند به شناخت بهتر فرصت‌ها و چالش‌های پیش رو کمک کند و زمینه‌ساز یک تحلیل عمیق و استراتژی‌های موثر در فضای رسانه‌ای باشد.

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