question:When was Toni Morrison born? When did she die? What was her career?
answer:Toni Morrison was born on February 18, 1931. She died on August 5, 2019. Her career as an American novelist was characterized by success and awards, including the following: - "Song of Solomon": This 1977 novel earned Morrison a National Book Critics Circle Award. - "Beloved": This 1987 novel earned Morrison a Pulitzer Prize in 1988.
question:Extract all of the different things that are considered food for chickens, hens, and wild birds. Put them in a comma-separated list. Farmers usually keep chickens inside large, modern buildings. They feed the birds corn and other grains. Some farmers allow their chickens to roam free outdoors. These chickens usually roost, or sleep, inside at night. Hens can lay more than 200 eggs a year. If a hen mates with a rooster before laying eggs, the eggs will be fertilized. This means that they will develop into chicks. But hens can lay eggs without mating. These unfertilized eggs are the eggs that people eat. Wild birds called jungle fowl are the ancestors of chickens. Jungle fowl belong to the pheasant family. They live in parts of Asia, including India. Jungle fowl eat seeds, fruit, and insects. They fly into trees to escape from predators.
answer:corn, grains, seeds, fruit, insects
question:Write a sad poem about summertime. Mention things associated with summer, such as sun, hot weather, music festivals, sno cones, and vacations.
answer:The sun, how it beats down on my face The summertime, oh, it's such a waste Music festivals and vacations are such a drag When I'm sweaty and hot, I want to gag I don't like to visit faraway lands I'd rather sit inside in front of a fan Sno cones and ice cream, I think I will pass They taste like depression; I hope that's not crass
question:Convert this movie dialogue into a quiz about the colors with answers Mantis: [while Quill attempts to have a serious talk with Gamora] Peter, you know this is an open line, right? Peter Quill: What? Mantis: We're listening to everything you're saying. Drax: And it is painful. Peter Quill: And you're just telling me now? Nebula: We were hoping it would stop on its own. Peter Quill: But I switched it over to private. Mantis: What color button did you push? Peter Quill: Blue! For the blue suit! Drax: Oh, no. Nebula: Blue was the open line for everyone. Mantis: *Orange* is for blue. Peter Quill: What? Mantis: Black is for orange. Yellow is for green. Green is for red and red is for yellow. Drax: No, *yellow* is for yellow. Green is for red. Red is for green. Mantis: I don't think so. Drax: Try it then. [beat] Mantis: [pushes the yellow button and yells] HELLO! [Quill screams and covers his ears as feedback whines] Mantis: You were right.
answer:Quiz: 1. What color button did Peter Quill push to switch the conversation to private? a) Orange b) Blue c) Black d) Yellow Answer: b) Blue 2. What color button should be pressed to have a private conversation with Blue Suit? a) Green b) Yellow c) Blue d) Orange Answer: d) Orange 3. What color button corresponds to the Orange Suit? a) Blue b) Orange c) Black d) Yellow Answer: c) Black 4. Which color button is actually for the yellow suit? a) Orange b) Yellow c) Green d) Red Answer: b) Yellow 5. What happens when Mantis pushes the yellow button? a) Feedback whines b) Peter Quill screams c) Everyone covers their ears d) All of the above Answer: d) All of the above 7. What is Mantis's response after pushing the yellow button? a) She admits Drax was right b) She denies Drax was right c) She is unsure if Drax was right d) She remains silent Answer: a) She admits Drax was right