question:why some people make marks in book? what is the purpuse behind it?
answer:People make marks in books for a variety of reasons, and the purpose can vary depending on the individual. Here are some common reasons why people might mark up their books: 1. **Annotation**: By underlining, highlighting, or writing notes in the margins, readers can engage more actively with the text. This helps them to better understand and remember the material by emphasizing important points, asking questions, or making connections to other ideas. 2. **Reference**: Marks can make it easier for readers to find important sections or quotes later on. This is especially useful for students, researchers, or anyone who may need to cite the book or refer back to specific content. 3. **Learning and Studying**: Students often mark texts to note areas that are important for study, to summarize content, or to clarify difficult passages. These annotations can be incredibly valuable when reviewing for exams or writing papers. 4. **Discussion**: When people are reading a book as part of a book club or study group, they might mark passages to bring up in discussion, or to highlight areas of personal interest or confusion they want to discuss with others. 5. **Personal Connection**: Some readers mark books to track their emotional or intellectual responses to the text. Our thoughts and feelings about what we read can change over time, and these marks can serve as a record of our past selves interacting with the text. 6. **Engagement and Concentration**: The act of marking can help maintain focus on the material, especially in dense or difficult passages. Physically interacting with the book by marking it up can keep readers engaged and minimize distractions. 7. **Artistic Expression**: For some, the act of marking a book is a form of artistic expression. They may use different colors, symbols, or patterns to create a visual element that complements their reading experience. It's worth noting that not everyone approves of marking books, particularly when the books are rare, valuable, or borrowed from a library or friend. Some people prefer to keep their books in pristine condition or use alternative methods such as sticky notes, bookmarks, or separate notebooks for their notes. However, for those who do choose to mark their books, it is often seen as a tool to enhance their comprehension and connection with the text.
question:What Would An 25% Satirical Version of Times Square During 1991 Look Like?
answer:Creating a 25% satirical version of Times Square during 1991 would involve exaggerating some aspects of that time and place while still retaining a recognizable semblance of reality. In 1991, Times Square was on the cusp of transformation, still known for its gritty ambiance, adult entertainment venues, and vivid advertising, but it was also starting to see the initial signs of the clean-up and corporate investment that would drastically change the area. Keeping the satire to 25%, the scene would have subtler tweaks and humorous elements that play on the characteristics of the time. Here are some elements that might be included in a 25% satirical depiction of Times Square in 1991: 1. **Neon and Billboards**: Times Square's famous neon lights and billboards could be exaggerated slightly, perhaps flickering comically or displaying ads for fictional products that play on the consumer culture of the early '90s. There could be humorous fake ads for "Y2K Prepper Kits" or "Business Suits with Built-in Shoulder Pads." 2. **Street Characters**: The array of quirky street characters could be gently parodied. For instance, instead of standard impersonators or buskers, you might see a "Wall Street broker" character panhandling for spare change, or a "tourist" continually rotating a map, looking comically confused. 3. **Fashion**: People's clothing styles could reflect a slight exaggeration of early '90s fashion, with bright colors, oversized clothing, and obnoxious prints. You might also satirize the juxtaposition of corporate 'power suits' amidst the more eclectic street fashion, or muscle shirts and fanny packs for comedic effect. 4. **Adult Entertainment**: Times Square in 1991 was known for its adult-themed establishments. A satirical take could downplay this by showing overly dramatic neon signs for comically innocent businesses like "Bob's Family-Friendly Piano Bar" squeezed between the more risqué venues, or having the barkers outside adult venues be unexpectedly prudish. 5. **Policing and Crime**: The area was also known for a higher crime rate before the cleanup. A satirical depiction might feature a duo of disinterested "NYPD" officers more focused on eating donuts and debating about the best bagel shop rather than fighting crime, or a "pickpocket" who is hilariously bad at his job. 6. **Tourist Attractions**: A slightly exaggerated group of tourists might be taking photos of absolutely everything, including mundane objects like trash cans or street signs, or partaking in vastly overpriced horse-drawn carriage rides that only go a few feet. 7. **Technology**: Placing mildly satirical attention on early '90s technology, you might include a Radio Shack store selling top-of-the-line VCRs and enormous cell phones at ludicrous prices, or a group of teenagers transfixed by a Game Boy, oblivious to the chaotic environment around them. 8. **Corporate Presence**: Lampoon the emerging corporate presence with a "Disneyfication" storefront, presented as "Mickey's Genuine New York Experience" that features sanitized, family-friendly "grit" in a controlled environment. To keep the satire to 25%, these elements would be inserted with a light touch, ensuring the scene remains primarily an authentic reflection of Times Square's unique blend of theatricality and everyday urban reality. The humor would arise from the slight incongruity and subtle play on the expectations and stereotypes associated with 1991, rather than a full-blown caricature of the time and place.
question:Write a forum conversation in May 2020 where ABC Kids changes hands, will be transferred to Riki Group by the end of the Summer, In the meantime the schedule is only BFDI, Yin Yang Yo and Ultimate Spider Man, All the big shows such as Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, Lilo and Stitch and Big City Greens have moved over to One Saturday Morning on Fox. Also, BFDI, YYY and USM will be gone by late August when KikoRiki and the gang move in, Also, the bumpers have switched to a simple animated logo with the song "Over and Over" Likely a transitional simplified bumper before Riki put a splash of color on it
answer:**Topic: ABC Kids Schedule Changes and Transition - What's Going On?** **ChatterBox123**: Hey everyone, have you heard about ABC Kids changing hands? I just read that it's going to be transferred to the Riki Group by the end of the summer. So right now, it looks like the schedule is full of BFDI, Yin Yang Yo, and Ultimate Spider-Man. **ToonFan4Ever**: Yeah, it's a bit of a shock to see all the big shows like Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, Lilo & Stitch, and Big City Greens moving over to One Saturday Morning on Fox. ABC Kids feels pretty empty without them. **NostalgiaKid**: Seriously, this is the end of an era. I grew up with those shows on ABC Kids. But I guess times change and so do the business hands. I'm wondering if Riki Group can actually fill these big shoes. **CartoonCritic**: I'm less concerned about the change of hands and more about what this means for our current faves. Did you guys hear that BFDI, Yin Yang Yo, and Ultimate Spider-Man will be gone by late August too? What's with this schedule clear-out? **AnimationAddict**: The clear-out is likely making space for Riki Group's properties. I've read they're planning to bring KikoRiki and their other shows into the lineup. Not sure how I feel about that. These new shows have some big roles to fill. **LogoNerd**: Did anyone catch the new bumpers? They're so basic right now—just a simple animated logo with the song "Over and Over". They're probably temporary until Riki revamps it, but still, they feel so transitional. **SlickScreenwriter**: It definitely seems like they're in a state of flux. Those simplified bumpers probably hint at more significant changes down the line. Riki will surely want to put their own stamp on the channel. **MomOfThree**: My kids noticed the difference right away. They miss the old bumpers. And while the song is catchy, it just doesn't have the same vibe. I'm trying to keep an open mind about the new lineup, but I'm hoping Riki can keep the magic alive for the little ones. **RetroToonGoer**: I miss the splash of color and the energy of the old bumpers. But hey, change can be good, I guess. Let's see what the Riki Group has in store for us later this year. I'm cautiously optimistic. **ToonFan4Ever**: Fingers crossed they manage to pull it off. Transition periods can be rough, but sometimes they lead to great new things. Let’s home Riki Group brings some quality shows to fill the void. **ChatterBox123**: Agreed. Change is inevitable, and who knows? We might just get our next favorite cartoon out of this. Let's give it a chance! **Moderator**: **Reminder to all users** that while we may have personal feelings about the changes, let's keep the discussion respectful and productive. Change can often be surprising, but let's wait and see what the Riki Group has to offer before making final judgments. **End of thread**
question:Write a follow up where BFDI and USM are vanishing off TV completely y
answer:**Topic: The End of BFDI & Ultimate Spider-Man on TV - What’s Next?** **WebSlingerFan**: So it's official then? Just saw the announcement that BFDI and Ultimate Spider-Man are not just leaving ABC Kids but vanishing from TV altogether. That's the last of my childhood right there. **BattleForDreamer**: This is heartbreaking. BFDI has been a staple and it seems crazy that they won't be on any networks anymore. Streaming is taking over, but there's something special about catching your favorite show on TV. **ToonFan4Ever**: It's a sign of the times, I guess. Television as we know it is changing. USM not airing anymore is big news. Seems like ABC Kids' transition is just part of a larger shift away from traditional viewing. **NostalgiaKid**: I just want to know why though. Were the ratings bad? Or is it just the Riki Group reshuffling for their own content? It feels so sudden. **AnimationAddict**: Ratings could be a part of it, but it's more likely due to licensing and the strategic direction of the new owners. Riki Group might want a clean slate for their programming. **PixelPusher**: Yeah, licensing issues are a nightmare. Could be they just couldn't get the rights worked out, or it was too costly to keep them on air. Either way, it's a bummer for fans. **SpiderFan2002**: Can't believe USM is gone. Feels like superhero shows are dwindling on regular TV. Thank goodness for streaming, but it's not the same as having it on in the living room on a Saturday morning. **CartoonCritic**: Is there any word on where these shows might end up? Any streaming service picking them up, or are they just going into the vault indefinitely? **ChatterBox123**: I've been looking into it, no news just yet about streaming. But let's face it, shows don't disappear forever these days. Someone somewhere will see the value in BFDI and USM and give them a new home. **LogoNerd**: In the meantime, I guess we'll see a lot of fan-run efforts popping up. Streaming sites, fan archives, that sort of thing. Fandoms don't let go easily. **RetroToonGoer**: Let's not forget the merchandise, too. DVDs, Blu-rays, collectibles. Those things will keep the spirit alive until a new platform picks them up. **MomOfThree**: My kids are going to be devastated. Those were their favorite shows to watch. I just hope they understand why they’re disappearing. **ToonFan4Ever**: It's tough explaining to the little ones about business and licensing stuff. They just see their favorite shows disappearing. **Moderator**: **Reminder to all users**: Keep track of official announcements for updates on where you might find these shows in the future. Also, please refrain from sharing unofficial streams or downloads, as that's against the forum rules. **End of thread**