answer:在数据库中,创建用户并赋予权限的步骤一般如下: 1. 创建用户 ```sql CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password; ``` 其中,username 是要创建的用户名,password 是该用户的登录密码。 2. 给用户授予权限 ```sql GRANT SELECT ON database.table TO username; ``` 其中,database 是数据库名,table 是要赋予权限的表名(如果要在该数据库下所有表都授予权限,就不需要指定表名),SELECT 表示只授予查询权限。 3. 刷新权限 ```sql FLUSH PRIVILEGES; ``` 在赋予权限之后,需要刷新数据库的权限才能让新增的权限生效。
answer:在 Oracle 数据库中,创建用户并给予查询权限的步骤如下: 1. 创建用户 ```sql CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password; ``` 其中,username 是要创建的用户名,password 是该用户的登录密码。 2. 授予权限 ```sql GRANT SELECT ANY TABLE TO username; ``` 这条 SQL 语句授予了该用户在数据库中所有表的查询权限。 3. 刷新权限 ```sql COMMIT; ``` 在赋予权限之后,需要提交更改,使其生效。 需要注意的是,对于 Oracle 数据库中已有的表,该用户需要被授权能够访问它们。可以使用以下 SQL 语句授权: ```sql GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO username; ``` 其中,table_name 是要被授权的表的名称。
question:In the context of a hypothetical Sherlock Holmes adventure, Holmes and Watson, have an odd case, the dissapeareance of young lady from a closed railway compartment, whose 'maid' has shown up at baker street, with a twist of Auburn hair that seems to be from a wig. Holmes notices that the 'maid' has a catch that would suit any cricketing eleven, and that she has taken the time not to let Holmes see her neck line. Meeting Lestrade at Marylebone, they learn that Lestrade also has a twist of hair and that a gentlemans razor was also found. They next go to Covent Garden, where a shopkeeper identfies the hair as being from a wig in a female style. Watson returns to Baker Street, where the 'maid' is happily assisting Mrs Hudson. Later, Holmes has not returned, when a very tall, and broad speaking woman arrives claiming that they know both the maid and Watson well. .. Who could this woman be, and where is Holmes?
answer:The woman could be a member of the criminal gang that may have orchestrated the disappearance of the young lady. She may have come to Baker Street to intimidate Watson and the maid and gather information about the progress of the investigation. As for Holmes, he may have followed a lead on his own and could be in danger. Watson must quickly gather his wits and go on a search for Holmes before it's too late.
question:"I Think perhaps you know me better as someone else" says the mystery lady, whose very stall. She lifts her veil only for Watson to be astounded.. It's Holmes, who summons Mrs Hudson and the 'maid' to reveal that the 'maid' and vanished lady from the compartment are the same person, and not necessarily either of those people in reality. Watson asks for an explanation...
answer:Holmes explains that the young lady had sought his help as she was being coerced into a marriage that she did not want. They had come up with a plan for her to disappear and fake her own kidnapping, using the wig and razor to leave behind evidence that would confuse the authorities. The so-called maid was actually an actress who had agreed to play the part and help them execute the plan. However, Holmes had received a tip-off that the criminal gang responsible for the coercion had caught wind of their plan and were onto them. He had gone to investigate alone to try and gather more information and possibly arrest the culprits. The mystery lady persona was devised as a way for Holmes to appear in a more formidable guise and also to throw off anyone who may be tailing him. Watson is amazed at the complexity of the ruse, but also worried about Holmes' safety. He insists on joining him in his investigation, and together they set off to unravel the truth behind the disappeared lady and the criminal gang behind it all.