question:Generate an etsy title for a art work that can be added to mugs, painting, tshirt, etc within 140 characters with no & only | to separate without first word being whimsical and is the name of the artBookbrew
answer:"Bookbrew | Versatile Art Design for Mugs, Tees, and Prints | Modern Home Decor | Literary Coffee Lovers | Unique Gift Idea"
question:Translate "労働時間改革の一環として、着ぐるみ工場が新たな働き方を模索しています。 1. 「KIGURIMI.BIZ」は長時間労働や休日出勤が常態化していたが、女性従業員の不満が出てきた。 2. 加納さんは社員の声を聞き、目の前の社員たちにずっと働いてもらうために働き方改革を決意した。 3. 当時は働き方改革の言葉が浸透しておらず、カエル!ジャパンキャンペーンが始まる前に職場環境改善を進めた。 宮崎県の着ぐるみ製作専門会社「KIGURIMI.BIZ」は、長時間労働や休日出勤が常態化していたが、女性従業員が9割を占める職場の働き方改革を進めている。2012年に法人化した際、取材で自分自身が会社の目指す方向性を明確にできなかったため、社員全員にヒアリングとアンケート調査を行った。その結果、子育て中の女性従業員から多くの不満が出てきた。加納さんは、社員がずっと働いてくれるためにどうすればいいかを考え、働き方改革を進める決意をした。当時は働き方改革の言葉も浸透しておらず、カエル!ジャパンキャンペーンが始まった後に働き方の見直しを進めた。"
answer:As part of the labor time reform, the costume factory is exploring new ways of working. 1. "KIGURIMI.BIZ" had normalized long working hours and working on holidays, but complaints started emerging from the female employees. 2. Mr. Kano listened to the voices of the employees and decided to reform the way of work to keep the employees in front of him working for a long time. 3. At that time, the term "work style reform" had not yet permeated the culture, and improvements to the workplace environment were made before the start of the Leap Forward! Japan campaign. The costume production company from Miyazaki Prefecture, "KIGURIMI.BIZ," which had normalized long working hours and working on weekends, is progressing with work style reforms in a workplace where 90% of the employees are women. When the company was incorporated in 2012, interviews revealed that the owner, Mr. Kano, could not clearly articulate the direction of the company, leading to conducting hearings and surveys for all employees. As a result, many complaints arose from female employees who were raising children. Mr. Kano thought about what could be done to ensure the employees would continue working for a long time, which led to his determination to advance work style reform. Back then, the term "work style reform" was not yet widespread, and a review of work practices was promoted after the start of the Leap Forward! Japan campaign.
question:(In the school literature clubroom...) Monika: "Sayori, MC, are you excited for the festival tomorrow?"
answer:Sayori: "Oh, you bet I am! The festival is always one of the highlights of the year for me. The literature club is going to have the best booth, I just know it!" MC: "Yeah, definitely. I've been looking forward to it. It's going to be a great opportunity to showcase the club's hard work." Monika: "Exactly! We've put so much effort into preparing for this festival. With our posters, poems, and interactive activities, I'm confident we'll attract a lot of attention." Sayori: "I can't wait for everyone to see how amazing our club is. It's been such a blast being a part of this with you guys." MC: "Agreed. The literature club has really become like a second home to me, and it's all thanks to you all." Monika: "I'm glad to hear that, MC. The club wouldn't be the same without each of us. Tomorrow is going to be a day to remember." Sayori: "Oh, and don't forget about the delicious food stalls! I'm definitely going to have my fair share of snacks." MC: "Haha, of course. Who can resist the food at the festival? I'll be right there with you, Sayori." Monika: "Well, let's make sure to enjoy ourselves and make this festival the best one yet. We've worked so hard, and now it's time for everyone to see what the literature club is all about." Sayori: "Absolutely! Tomorrow, we'll shine brighter than ever!" MC: "Let's do it, guys. Tomorrow, we'll show everyone the power of words and the magic of literature."
question:Create a bullet list of loot and equipment for a diaper-centric D&D homebrew taking place in a setting where the usage of absurdly oversized diapers are a necessity and a norm, not a fetish or a taboo. They simultaneously function as both cushy hip armor and apparel and are not only ubiquitously worn by everyone, adventurer and traveller, toddler, youngster, teenager and adult alike, but considered mandatory, and the act of frequently and excessively pooping into one's diaper, referred to as 'Loading', is seen as an everyday and often subconscious act; the bigger the diaper, the greater its capacity and the more it can be Loaded until full, and the fuller it gets, the bigger, heavier and more cumbersome it is on its wearer! And diapers aren't just for wearing as armor, either; many of them are so thick they can be repurposed as blankets, pillows, even poofy mattresses! Loading is determined through a sudden Constitution saving throw, the frequency and DC determined by the character's incontinence and eating habits; if they fail, they poop. A character can choose to intentionally fail this saving throw if they wish, and particularly incontinent Loaders fail automatically. A worn diaper that has met its capacity imposes the effects of encumbered on its wearer and needs to be changed out of, an act that requires an action from another ally, a fresh diaper on hand and a suitable changing spot where the task can be performed. Alternately, if one is in a rush or there is no such changing spot nearby, a second diaper can be layered over a full one; layering provides a temporary additional 50 lbs. of Loading capacity but doesn't remove the negative effects. The effects should describe the benefits and drawbacks that a character wearing the diaper would experience, while the description should be flavor text describing the diaper's in-universe appearance. Example 1: **Plain Pull-Ups** (Common item, Light Diaper Armor): *0.4 lbs., 3 sp, 15 lbs. Load capacity.* "A diaper as basic as it is ubiquitous. It isn't particularly protective nor roomy, but it doesn't slow you down any." Example 2: **XXXL Supreme Poofies** (Rare item, Heavy Diaper Armor): *8 lbs., 120 gp, 300 lbs. Load capacity, +3 to AC, movement speed reduced by 10 feet, attacks to the behind of wearer deal 1d10 less damage (minimum of 1), wearer gains the unique "Powder Cloud" passive trait when worn (when hit by an attack to the behind, a thick cloud of baby powder will billow outwards and briefly fog a wide area. A 10-foot wide spherical area of powder is created centred on the wearer, becoming lightly obscured for 1 round. This trait recharges after a creature uses an action to refill the diaper with powder).* "The huge quadruple tapes used to secure this mattress-thick pamper around someone's hips are the size of paper sheets, and the enormous safety pin keeping it together could double as an improvised shortsword." Example 3: **Hot Heavy-Duty Huggies** (Uncommon item, Medium Diaper Armor): *1.2 lbs., 55 gp, 80 lbs. Load capacity, +1 to AC, wearer and allies within 20 feet gain resistance to cold damage (increases to 30 feet when 40 lbs. Loaded or more), wearer's weapon and spell attacks deal an extra 1d4 fire damage, wearer has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws against pooping.* "Diapers are naturally warm, but this flame-branded pamp radiates a constant magical heat so potent it can be felt from several feet away, as if it were full of molten... something or other. One must take care to not become *too* relaxed..." Example 4: **Deluxe UltraLuxes** (Very Rare, Medium Diaper Attire) *1.4 lbs., 1200 gp, +1 to AC, 30 lbs. Load capacity, wearer gains +2 modifier to all Charisma checks when worn and dry (becomes -2 modifier to all Charisma checks if Loaded by least 5 lbs.).* "Lined with rhinestones, adorned with sliver and gold embroideries and filled with only the absolute plushiest of padding inside, this opulent pamp is the height of diaper fashion. Nobody would be caught dead having an accident in such an expensive piece of infantile wear!"
answer:- **Traveler's Trailblazers** (Uncommon item, Medium Diaper Armor): *1 lb., 45 gp, 60 lbs. Load capacity, +1 to AC, increases wearer's movement speed by 5 feet when worn and under 30 lbs. Loaded, reduces speed by 10 feet when Loaded over 40 lbs.* "Designed for the roaming adventurer, these resilient swaddlers boast a sleek design to aid swift travel, and their superior wick-away lining keeps the wearer comfortable while on the move." - **Enchanter's Enhanced Nappies** (Rare item, Medium Diaper Attire): *2 lbs., 150 gp, 50 lbs. Load capacity, wearer gains a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and saving throw DCs for their spells, -5 feet movement speed when Loaded over 25 lbs.* "Embedded with small arcane symbols along the waistband, these nappies are favored by spellcasters who seek to bolster their magical prowess without compromising mobility." - **Gladiator's Girthy Guards** (Rare item, Heavy Diaper Armor): *6.5 lbs., 200 gp, 250 lbs. Load capacity, +2 to AC, -15 feet movement speed (no penalty if wearer has Strength 18 or above), attacks to the front of the wearer deal 1d8 less damage (minimum of 1).* "A formidable choice for front-line combatants, these diaper guards are crafted from reinforced fibers and layered padding, turning a warrior's midsection into an impenetrable bulwark." - **Stablehand's Squishy Squires** (Common item, Light Diaper Armor): *0.5 lbs., 10 gp, 25 lbs. Load capacity, no bonuses to AC, adds a pleasant scent that masks unsavory odors when Loaded.* "The choice workwear for those dealing with animals or working in the stables, these minimally intrusive diapers come scented with a hint of fresh lavender, keeping unpleasant aromas at bay." - **Thieving Thin-Tights** (Uncommon item, Light Diaper Attire): *0.3 lbs., 60 gp, 20 lbs. Load capacity, no penalties to Dexterity-based checks even when Loaded.* "Favored by rogues and sneaks, these ultra-thin but surprisingly absorbent nappies allow for agile movement without the noisy crinkle, perfect for those who operate best unseen." - **Artisan's Aesthetic Cushions** (Uncommon item, Light Diaper Attire): *0.9 lbs., 70 gp, 40 lbs. Load capacity, provides a +1 bonus to performance checks, a disadvantage on concentration checks when Loaded over 20 lbs.* "Crafted with extra layers of colorful padding and artful embroidery, these diapers are a staple among entertainers and craftspeople who wish to make an impression while performing their art." - **Pilgrim's Penny-Pinchers** (Common item, Light Diaper Attire): *0.7 lbs., 2 sp, 35 lbs. Load capacity, small pocket sewn into the interior to hide a few coins or a tiny trinket (no bonuses to AC).* "The frugal traveler's delight, these diapers come with a hidden pocket for safeguarding small, valuable items, ensuring that even at their most vulnerable, a wanderer's prized possessions remain secure." - **Mystic's Moonlit Middles** (Very Rare, Medium Diaper Attire): *2.3 lbs., 800 gp, 70 lbs. Load capacity, +2 to AC when under the light of the full moon, wearer can cast 'Moonbeam' once per night.* "Enchanted with the essence of lunar magic, these diapers are sewn from an iridescent fabric that catches the moonlight, embellishing the wearer with an otherworldly charm and the ability to call upon moonbeams to smite their foes." Please note that the items described above are purely for a hypothetical and fictional setting within a fantasy role-playing game and not indicative of real-world values or practices.