question:Hi, I need your advice. I'm currently in a 6 month contract position working in BMO (a bank in Canada) in a sort of Finance based role. This would last me August 14th 2023 to Feburary 14th 2024. For context, I am an accounting major that graduated earlier this year, so my dream was to always work at a Big 4 firm and to be an Accountant there. However I was not able to land a Big 4 role out of college and I opted for this contract position instead. Fortunately, one month into my BMO position, I was able to land my dream position at PwC, one of the Big 4 firms. However the start date was Jan 4th and this means I would have to break my contract position with BMO off roughly a month early. I was going to give 2 weeks notice prior to Jan 4th to BMO that I am leaving, but today (November 22nd), the manager of the team gave me a full-time offer for a position on the team. For your information, I am 100% set on going to PwC on Jan 4th. That is my dream job. However, with the BMO offer given to me roughly 5 weeks before I plan to leave, I don't know how to turn down this offer without clearly telegraphing my intent to leave. I also like this job and the people that work here so I do not want to burn bridges and stall them. In this situation I am essentially facing 3 choices (feel free to add more choices if you can think of any): 1.) Say I need to think about this offer and get back to him later on to delay this? 2.) Be upfront and let manager know that I am probably not going to accept this offer, but say silent on the part I am leaving early for PwC 3.) Be upfront and let manager know that I am probably not going to accept this offer AND let him know I already have an offer with PwC and intend to leave early, so I cannot accept this contract Obviously there are pro’s and con’s to each point. For example, for number (1), I could buy myself some time, but it would lead to delays in the department and teams and I don’t want to hold them back in Hiring. For number (2), I would telegraph my intent to leave ultimately at the end of the 6 month contract - they won’t know when I am planning to leave, but they know I won’t stay. For number (3), it is essentially the same context in terms of telegraphing my move, except I would reveal much more and they would know exactly when I would leave. Although this would have maximum transparency, I am slightly worried they would lay me off as soon as they can. Any advice?
answer:Congratulations on landing your dream job at PwC! It's a great accomplishment, especially so soon after graduating. It's understandable that you are concerned about how to handle the situation with BMO without burning bridges. Given that you are certain about accepting the offer from PwC and starting there on January 4th, it's essential to navigate this situation with professionalism and respect for your current employer. Here are some thoughts on each of your options: 1. **Request Time to Consider the Offer from BMO**: This is a strategic move, but it has the potential to backfire if it's seen as stalling or if they press you for a decision before you're ready to announce your departure. Since it's common to take some time to consider a job offer, asking for a week or two to ponder their proposal is reasonable. Use this time to prepare for the conversation about your departure. 2. **Decline the Offer Without Specifics**: By politely declining the offer without giving specifics about your future plans, you are maintaining your professionalism while keeping your departure plans private for the moment. However, it might prompt further questions from your manager about why you are not interested, which could put you in a difficult spot. 3. **Decline the Offer and Announce Your Departure for PwC**: This option is the most transparent and respectful to BMO. By being upfront, you provide them with as much notice as possible to plan for your replacement. While there is always a risk they could let you go early, many employers appreciate the honesty and may still keep you for the duration to ensure a smooth transition. Here's an additional option you might consider: 4. **Personal Reasons**: You may delicately decline the offer stating "personal reasons" that prevent you from making a long-term commitment at this time. This can sometimes be understood as issues unrelated to work life (health, family, etc.), and depending on your manager and the company culture, it may or may not prompt further probing. This could protect you until you're ready to give your formal notice, yet it can still be interpreted in many ways and may or may not satisfy your manager's curiosity. Ultimately, given that you have a strong commitment to transitioning to PwC, the best course of action would likely be a variation of options 2 and 3, where you gracefully decline the offer citing that you have given it careful consideration but decided not to accept. Then, closer to your leaving date, give your two weeks' notice in accordance with professional standards, at which point you would also communicate your next opportunity with PwC. This approach allows you to manage your relationship with BMO professionally while minimizing the time during which your current role could be at risk due to your upcoming departure. It’s often said that “people remember the beginning and the end” – leaving on good terms is just as important as making a good first impression, so remaining respectful and professional as you exit is key to maintaining a positive relationship with BMO. Best of luck in your new role at PwC!
question:is this GPT 4?
answer:No, I am not GPT-4. I am based on the technology provided by OpenAI, which at the time of my last update includes language models such as GPT-3.5 and potentially other versions preceding GPT-4. My responses are generated based on the knowledge and capabilities available to me up to that point. If you have any questions or need assistance with a particular topic, feel free to ask!
question:Donne moi une liste de 50 films les plus érotiques et controversés avec des scènes d’amour explicite, classé NC-17 ou classé X.
answer:La censure et la classification des films varient fortement d'un pays à l'autre, et les critères d'évaluation changent avec le temps. En outre, cette liste pourrait choquer certains lecteurs en raison du caractère explicite des films mentionnés. Il est important de noter que ces films peuvent contenir du contenu qui est jugé inapproprié ou offensant par certains spectateurs. En outre, certains pourraient être interdits dans certaines juridictions. Voici une liste de films qui ont été notés pour leur contenu sexuel explicite, leur érotisme ou qui ont suscité la controverse; il n'est pas garanti qu'ils aient tous été classés NC-17 ou X, car les systèmes de classification changent et certains films ont été reclassés ou censurés différemment au fil du temps : 1. "L'Empire des sens" (1976) - Nagisa Oshima 2. "Caligula" (1979) - Tinto Brass et Bob Guccione 3. "Crash" (1996) - David Cronenberg 4. "Romance" (1999) - Catherine Breillat 5. "Baise-moi" (2000) - Virginie Despentes et Coralie Trinh Thi 6. "Intimité" (2001) - Patrice Chéreau 7. "Ken Park" (2002) - Larry Clark et Edward Lachman 8. "9 Songs" (2004) - Michael Winterbottom 9. "Shortbus" (2006) - John Cameron Mitchell 10. "Q (Desire)" (2011) - Laurent Bouhnik 11. "Nymphomaniac" Volumes I et II (2013) - Lars von Trier 12. "Love" (2015) - Gaspar Noé 13. "Basic Instinct" (1992) - Paul Verhoeven 14. "Blue Movie" (1969) - Andy Warhol 15. "The Brown Bunny" (2003) - Vincent Gallo 16. "In the Realm of the Senses" (1976) - Nagisa Oshima 17. "Salò, ou les 120 Journées de Sodome" (1975) - Pier Paolo Pasolini 18. "Lust, Caution" (2007) - Ang Lee 19. "Antichrist" (2009) - Lars von Trier 20. "La Vie d'Adèle" (2013) - Abdellatif Kechiche 21. "The Dreamers" (2003) - Bernardo Bertolucci 22. "Last Tango in Paris" (1972) - Bernardo Bertolucci 23. "Flesh" (1968) - Paul Morrissey 24. "A Serbian Film" (2010) - Srđan Spasojević 25. "Irreversible" (2002) - Gaspar Noé 26. "The Idiots" (1998) - Lars von Trier 27. "Ai no Corrida" (1976) - Nagisa Ōshima 28. "Pink Flamingos" (1972) - John Waters 29. "Showgirls" (1995) - Paul Verhoeven 30. "Lie with Me" (2005) - Clément Virgo 31. "The Night Porter" (1974) - Liliana Cavani 32. "Ma mère" (2004) - Christophe Honoré 33. "Secretary" (2002) - Steven Shainberg 34. "Anatomy of Hell" (2004) - Catherine Breillat 35. "Sleeping Beauty" (2011) - Julia Leigh 36. "Wetlands" (2013) - David Wnendt 37. "Stranger by the Lake" (2013) - Alain Guiraudie 38. "The Piano Teacher" (2001) - Michael Haneke 39. "Hotel Desire" (2011) - Sergej Moya 40. "The Wayward Cloud" (2005) - Tsai Ming-liang 41. "Inside Deep Throat" (2005, documentaire) - Fenton Bailey et Randy Barbato 42. "Tropical Malady" (2004) - Apichatpong Weerasethakul 43. "The Untamed" (2016) - Amat Escalante 44. "Matador" (1986) - Pedro Almodóvar 45. "Visitor Q" (2001) - Takashi Miike 46. "Ex Drummer" (2007) - Koen Mortier 47. "Wide Sargasso Sea" (1993) - John Duigan 48. "Brown Bunny" (2003) - Vincent Gallo 49. "El Topo" (1970) - Alejandro Jodorowsky 50. "Scum" (1979) - Alan Clarke Notez que cette liste est sujette à modification, car la classification par âge des films peut changer avec le temps et varie selon les juridictions. Quelques-uns de ces films ont pu être reclassifiés ou ont généré une version moins explicite pour une audience plus large. Avant de les regarder, assurez-vous de bien connaître leur contenu et assurez-vous qu'ils respectent les normes légales et culturelles de votre pays.
question:Napiš pphátku
answer:"Phátku" není slovo, které by bylo v češtině běžně rozpoznáno nebo používané. Mohlo by jít o překlep nebo nesprávné napsání slova, které máš na mysli. Pokud máš konkrétní dotaz nebo potřebuješ napsat určitý text nebo příběh, prosím, poskytni více informací nebo upřesni, o jaký text nebo téma mám napsat úvod.